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墨子 《墨子》(中英文版)以中英对照的方式,介绍了什么是墨学,墨子的生平事迹,墨家学派,墨家的主要著作,《墨经》的主要成就,以及墨家的经济、伦理、军事、宗教、教育、政治思想,并且阐述了墨家的衰亡与在中国文化历史上的影响。
作者:郑杰文 张倩著,David B.Honey 译 编辑:芮逸敏 ISBN:978-7-305-07970-2
出版时间:201012 字数:210 定价:28
开本:16开 页数:208 装订:平装
版次:1 CIP分类号:  





Chapter Ⅰ Independent Warlords All Arise, A Rare Talent in an Age of Chaos: The Cultural Origin and Social Background of the Creation of Mohism

Chapter Ⅱ  Abandoning Confucianism and Establishing Mohism, Tirelessly Doing Good: Mozi’s Life Story and Campaign Against Warfare

Chapter Ⅲ The Torch of Learning is Passed Down, the New Generation Improves on the Old: Later Mohist Schools and Activities

Chapter Ⅳ All-Embracing Learning, A Unique School of Thought: The Major Works of Mohism

Chapter Ⅴ Pursuing True Knowledge, Unusual Luster Exhibited in Profusion: The Major Accomplishments of the “Mohist Canon”

Chapter Ⅵ  Frugality Leads to Flourishing, Indulgence Leads to Destruction: Mohist Economic Thought

Chapter Ⅶ   Embracing Universal Love, Engaging in What is Mutually Beneficial: The Ethical Thinking of Mohism

Chapter Ⅷ   Against Offensive Warfare and Saving through Defensive Warfare, Aggressive Defense: Mohist Military Thought

Chapter Ⅸ   Venerate Heaven and Serve Ghosts, Setting up Religion to Teach the Way of the Spirits: Religious Doctrines of Mohism

Chapter Ⅹ   Powerful Teaching and Powerful Learning, Practicing What He Preached: Mozi’s Educational Thought

Chapter Ⅺ   Founder of Materialism, Profound Thinker and Skilled Debater: The “Three Criteria” of Mohism

Chapter Ⅻ   Meritocracy and the Advocacy of Unity: Mozi’s Political Thought

Chapter ⅩⅢ From Apogee to Decline, After Misfortune Comes Good Fortune: The Decline and Renaissance of Mohism

ChapterⅩⅣ  A Thousand Years of Continuity, His Undying Spirit: The Influence of Mohism 

Translator’s Note

一  群雄并起,乱世奇葩

--墨学产生的文化渊源与社会背景 / 1

二  弃儒立墨,行义不倦

--墨子的生平事迹与止战游说 /  6

三  薪尽火传,后来居上

--墨家后学的派别及活动  /  20

四  包罗万象,独树一帜

--墨家的主要著作 /  34
五  探求真知,异彩纷呈 

--《墨经》的主要成就 /  43
六  俭节则昌,淫佚则亡

--墨家的经济思想 /  54

七  兼相爱,交相利

--墨家的伦理思想 /  61
八  非攻救守,积极防御

--墨家的军事思想 /  68

九  尊天事鬼,神道设教

--墨家的宗教学说 /  75

十  强教强学,言传身教

--墨家的教育思想 /  83

十一  唯物师祖,精思巧辩

--墨家的“三表法” /  96

十二  任人唯贤,倡导统一

--墨家的政治思想 /  100

十三  由盛而衰,否极泰来

--墨学的衰亡与复兴 /  107

十四  绵延千年,精神不灭

--墨学的影响 / 122